9:30 Service of Holy Communion with Rev Charles Fraser
11 am Lordsbridge zoom service with Michaela. Everyone is welcome to join the service using the following link: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640

Wed 7th Sept 9 am Village prayers in church

Thurs 8th Sept 10:30 – 12 Bumps and Babies in the Cabin with Ali

Sun 11th Sept 9:30 Service of Holy Communion with Rev’d David Newton
  3 pm Wild Church with Peter, Ali, Lucy and Clare
Tues 13th Sept 10 – 11:30 Tuesday Morning Toddlers with Clare and Helen

Wed 14th Sept 9 am Village Prayers on zoom

Thurs 15th Sept interviews for new vicar post

Fri 16th Sept 7:30 Night Prayer on zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
