Dear Friends,
We have had a very difficult few weeks at St Mary’s, following the news that Clare Bigg, a key and much loved member of the team here, suddenly and unexpectedly died. It is a huge shock and a big loss: for her family and friends; for the Church community; and for the village. Clare was a wonderful friend and I will miss her terribly. She was a very kind, warm, intelligent woman, and she would always have a big smile and a quiet word of encouragement.
As a Church family, we are here for each other and for all our friends in this community, especially in hard times. As Christians, we trust that no matter what we are facing, God will look after us, and that all will be well, even if we cannot understand why things like this happen. Our faith can help us through times of grief and sorrow, and we trust that God is with us. He will be our strength when we have none of our own.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Howard, Alex and Michael and all of Clare’s family and friends, and all her knew and loved her.
God Bless,
Rev’d Clare Coates
Lead Minister for Hardwick, Dry Drayton and Caldecote with Childerley
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!
Instagram: @lordsbridge_team
Facebook Page:
A word of thanks: grant funding for St Mary’s Church building repairs project:
We would like to express our thanks to both the Jack Patson Trust and the Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust (CHCT) for their generous grants of £2,000 and £3,000 respectively for our building repairs project. The Jack Patson Trust offers small grants to help preserve local wildlife and rural churches in Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire and Rutland. More information can be found at The Jack Patston Charitable Trust – General Charitable Purposes – Charity and social change ( The Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust (CHCT) offers grants and loans to help congregations look after their historic places of worship. Its main source of income, apart from membership, is the annual “Ride and Stride.” Each September sponsored cyclists and walkers visit churches, chapels, and colleges throughout Cambridgeshire, sharing the money raised between the Trust and their local church. More details of the CHCT’s work can be found at
Thanks to the Hardwick Parish Council
We would also like to express our thanks to the Parish Council for their generous support – they have recently agreed to give us a grant of up to £5,000 for tree works in the churchyard. We are incredibly grateful for this.
Services in April
Sunday 7 April
9:30am Holy Communion, with Rev’d Clare
Sunday 14 April
9:30am Holy Communion, with Rev’d Clare
3:00-4:00pm Wild Church
Sunday 21 April
9:30am Holy Communion, with Rev’d Clare
Sunday 28 April
9:30am All Age service, led by Ali Marcus and Peter Cornwell.
Zoom Services
Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am:
Weekday Services
1st Wednesday of the month, 9:00am at the Cabin
And in the following weeks, on zoom. All welcome.
Friday Night Prayers
You are warmly invited to join us on Zoom to say Night Prayer together on a Friday to mark the transition to the weekend. Short and sweet, we are open for chat from 7:30pm, pray promptly at 7:45 and are finished by 8. Please contact Michaela McNeill for further details:
What’s On
Tuesdays – Toddlers in term time

Alternate weeks either:
12:15pm Meditation with Howard Bigg in the Cabin
or 1:00-3:00pm The Colour Wheel – Hardwick Mindful Colouring Group
£4 donation which includes refreshments and materials. For more information contact Nicky.
10:30am-12noon Bumps and Babies with Ali
1st Saturday of every month: 10.00am-12noon, Pippins, in Hardwick School Hall.
Drop in for a cuppa, cake and a chat!

Easter Monday 1st April
Childerley Open Gardens
All are most welcome to come and enjoy visiting the beautiful gardens at Childerley Hall, in aid of St Michael and All Angels Church, Caldecote. There will be refreshments available and well behaved dogs on leads are welcome.
Dates for your diaries!

Useful Contacts
Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194;
Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden:; 01223 264974
Team Administrator: Becca Herrick;