On Thursday the world was informed of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Sufficient time has not yet passed to process the enormity of this news. So we are thrown headlong into a new era, at a time already marked by uncertainty and anxiety. In our ever-changing world, the Queen was a source of constancy, reassurance and wise counsel. We shall miss her. It is for this reason we remember that the Queen always pointed beyond herself to Jesus Christ who alone is the same yesterday, today and forever. Maybe like me you have returned to the book ‘Our Faithful Queen’ which was produced for the Platinum Jubilee. It includes this prayer for peace: ‘Lord, may nothing ever separate me from thy peace; neither the extremes of joy nor the depths of sorrow, …, neither health nor sickness, national trials nor personal loss, times of tribulation nor times of wealth. In all things, Lord, keep me in thy love and peace’. Each of us must find our own way to grieve. But it is also good to do things together in our loss. The church will be open every day, 10 – 5, between now and the day of the Queen’s funeral. It is there for anyone to take a quiet moment, to light a candle, to write in the book of condolence.

This Sunday, we are pleased to have David Newton returning to take a service of Holy Communion at 9:30 for us. Please pray for him and his family. Wild Church for families is also happening at 3pm with an apple and blackberry theme.

9:30 Service of Holy Communion with Rev’d David Newton
3 pm Wild Church with Peter, Ali, Lucy and Clare

Tues 13th Sept 10 – 11:30 Tuesday Morning Toddlers in the Cabin with Clare and Helen

Tues 13th Sept 2pm -4pm – Colour Wheel support group in the Cabin with Nicky

Wed 14th Sept 9 am Village Prayers on zoom

Thurs 15th Sept interviews for new vicar post

Fri 16th Sept 7:30 Night Prayer on zoom
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