Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good summer and are now feeling refreshed and renewed, ready for all that is in store this Autumn. The festival of Michaelmas, or St Michael and All Angels, has been celebrated in parishes throughout Britain for centuries. Michaelmas is also traditionally seen as one of the quarter days of the calendar, marking, in medieval times, the end of the farming year with the harvesting and gathering of crops. Falling on September 29, near the equinox, it is also associated with the beginning of Autumn and days gradually getting shorter. Celebrating Michaelmas is one way to remind ourselves of the changing pattern of the seasons. For Christians, it is also a reminder of the light of God’s love shining into the darkness as we approach winter.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
God Bless,
Revd Clare Coates
Lead Minister for Hardwick, Dry Drayton and Caldecote with Childerley
St Mary’s Church, Hardwick – St Mary’s Church, Hardwick (
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!
Instagram: @lordsbridge_team
Facebook Page:
Sunday Services in September
Sunday 3 September
9:30am Holy Communion with Clare and Howard Bigg. All Welcome.
Sunday 10 September
9:30am Outdoor Baptism of Toby Keenan. All Welcome.
3pm Wild Church. A family friendly service, exploring nature and God in the grounds of the Cabin. All welcome.
Sunday 17 September
9:30am Holy Communion with Revd Clare. All Welcome.
Sunday 24 September
9:30am Morning Worship with Clare B. All Welcome.
Zoom Services
Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am.
Weekday Services:
1st Wednesday of the month, 9am at the Cabin
And in the following weeks, on zoom. All welcome.
What’s on:

Tuesdays in term time
All are welcome to join us for free play, crafts, a story and lots of fun. 10-11:30am each Tuesday in term time. New term starting on 19 September
Alternate weeks either 12:15pm Meditation with Howard Bigg in the Cabin
or 2-4pm Colour Wheel: for more details, see the poster below:

10:30 – 12: Bumps and Babes with Ali in the Cabin. All welcome.
1st Saturday of every month: Pippins
10am-12 noon, in the Community Room in Hardwick School. Drop in for a cuppa, cake and a chat! All most welcome.
The Leys School has very kindly offered to provide some Defibrillator Training for anyone in the Lordsbridge Team parishes who would find this helpful. This will be taking place on Friday 15th September at 1.30pm. If you are interested in attending, please contact Becca ( by 15th August to book your place.
Saturday 7 October 6:30 for 7:30pm Harvest Supper and Ceilidh
For details, see poster below:

Saturday 13 April 2024 Sponsored 10km Walk/Run/Cycle
Starting at Great St Mary’s at 10am, we will be walking, running or cycling 10km back to St Mary’s Hardwick, in aid of the building repair fund. More details in the Autumn. BUT FOR NOW SAVE THE DATE IN YOUR DIARIES!!!
Useful contacts
Clare Bigg, LLM
Revd David Newton, Team Rector & Lead Minister for Comberton and Toft: 01223 665654; 07736 944396;
Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194;
Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden:; 01223 264974
Team Administrator: Becca Herrick;
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