Dear Friends,
It was really wonderful to celebrate the baptism of baby Edith recently with her family and friends, on a bright and warm June afternoon at the Cabin. It was really special to celebrate outside with wonderful music, and lots of laughter, joy and happiness, as we welcomed her into God’s family. Baptism marks the start of everyone’s Christian journey: a new beginning, full of expectation, hope, joy and promise. Baptism is not just for babies or young children! Many are baptised in later life, and here at St Mary’s we would be most happy to welcome you, whatever your age, and to help you take this first step on your faith journey. Whilst the church building is closed, we can still have Christenings in our beautiful Cabin – or outdoors, if you prefer! It is not a journey that we make on our own. Walking with Jesus every day of our lives comes with the reassurance and hope that, no matter what we are facing, we are not alone, because Jesus is with us through his Holy Spirit. As a church community, we pledge to travel with you as fellow pilgrims on life’s twisty turny road. Every long journey begins with that first step. As fellow travelling companions, we are here to encourage, support and comfort each other every day.
God Bless,
Revd Clare Coates
Lead Minister for Hardwick, Dry Drayton and Caldecote with Childerley
St Mary’s Church, Hardwick – St Mary’s Church, Hardwick (
Please note I will be on annual leave from 21 August to 3 September, returning to work on 4 September.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!
Instagram: @lordsbridge_team
Facebook Page:
Sunday Services in August
Sunday 6 August
9:30am Holy Communion with Revd Clare. All Welcome.
Sunday 13 August
9:30am Holy Communion with Clare and Howard Bigg. All Welcome.
Sunday 20 August
9:30am Morning Worship for all ages with Revd Clare and Clare B. All Welcome.
Sunday 27 August
9:30am Morning Worship with Clare B. All Welcome.
Zoom Services
Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am.
Weekday Services:
1st Wednesday of the month, 9am at the Cabin
And in the following weeks, on zoom. All welcome.
New Bishop of Ely – have your say
As individuals and parishes we are being encouraged to have our say and to let the selection committee know our thoughts about our future Bishop. As a parish, we believe that it is very important for our future Bishop to be inclusive, ordaining both men and women. Here is the link to the survey, which we are encouraged to return as soon as possible and no later than 14 August:
Summer Hamper Schemes
Some of our churches partner with their local primary school to offer weekly food hampers (or supermarket vouchers) to families who might appreciate some help through the holidays. If you would like to donate to these schemes, please see the links below:
Donate to Caldecote’s Summer Hamper Scheme
Donate to Comberton’s Summer Hamper Scheme (through Comberton PCC – ref: Meridian)
Donate to Harlton and Haslingfield’s Supermarket Voucher Scheme (through Haslingfield PCC – ref: Vouchers)
What’s on:
1st Saturday of every month: Pippins
10am-12 noon, in the Community Room in Hardwick School. Drop in for a cuppa, cake and a chat! All most welcome.
Friday 18 August 7:30pm, Cheese and Wine Fundraiser in the Cabin
All are most welcome to join us for an evening of fun and friendship. For more details, see poster below:
Friday September 22 at 7pm Chamber Music Concert at Dry Drayton Church
International Cellist, Iris Azquinezer will be performing a Cello recital, featuring the Bach Cello Suites. For more information, please see poster below:
Saturday 13 April 2024 Sponsored 10km Walk/Run/Cycle
Starting at Great St Mary’s at 10am, we will be walking, running or cycling 10km back to St Mary’s Hardwick, in aid of the building repair fund. More details in the Autumn. BUT FOR NOW SAVE THE DATE IN YOUR DIARIES!!!
Useful contacts
Clare Bigg, LLM
Revd David Newton, Team Rector & Lead Minister for Comberton and Toft: 01223 665654; 07736 944396;
Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194;
Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden:; 01223 264974
Team Administrator: Becca Herrick;
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