Back to school, back to work, the nativity set is put away and we leave Mary and Joseph to the long haul of raising their small son. We jump in our Sunday readings to the baptism of Jesus as an adult, but perhaps it is good to remember the unremarked daily care over many years that was needed to enable him to grow up. It might have seemed sometimes to Mary and Joseph a very ordinary life, but something extraordinary was about to burst into fruition. And maybe for us, the daily small tasks and caring we undertake will bear fruit in the end that we can hardly imagine now. Let’s be encouraged to persevere.
9:30 am Holy Communion led by Rev’d Andrew Dunlop
3 pm Wild Church in the Cabin garden
7 pm Thirst youth service at Comberton Baptist
Worship at Home on Zoom
Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am.
The service will be led by Sue Nelms (LLM) with a sermon from Revd Lynda Taylor.
Meeting ID: 823 1147 3640