9.30am, Morning Worship at St Mary’s Hardwick, with Revd Alison Myers (outdoors if possible; please bring something to sit on if outdoors & mask if indoors)
10am – 10.30am APCM (annual meeting) – come to the service, the APCM or both
11am, All-Lordsbridge Zoom worship, via this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89870702475, room open from 10.50am
Worship at Home to read with Ruth Bond (LLM and member of the team at St Peter’s Barton) and Revd David Newton (Lead Minister for Comberton, Caldecote and Toft); 2 PDF files attached
Worship at Home audio/podcast with Ruth Bond and Revd David Newton (Lead Minister for Comberton, Caldecote and Toft); from 9am on Sunday at www.lordsbridge.org
Pic n Mix activities on the themes of this Sunday’s gospel, for families, children and adults at home, from Revd Patricia Slusar, interim lead minister in Haslingfield; PDF attached