This is the third installment in the continuing story of a new venture in Highfields Caldecote.  It began with an open meeting over a meal in the village hall in July. 

Gateway 3 Gateway 2 Gateway 1

In the last two gatherings (Sept & Oct) we’ve taken the thinking and discussion from the first two gatherings (July & Aug) and become more practical.  This is where we have got to.

We’ve summarised our list of values which give us a steer about how we want to do things and the atmosphere we want to create.  They also provide a useful checklist to make sure we include a balance of ingredients – for instance, things that make us laugh alongside opportunities for reflection.  We think our top values, in no particular order, are:

  • Care                  (including compassion, kindness, friends, support, respect, empathy, patience, & service)
  • Laughter           (including fun, silliness & joy)
  • Reflection         (including stillness)
  • Honesty              (including real life)
  • Welcome           (including acceptance, hospitality, inviting, friendly & open)
  • Spiritual             (including faith & values)
  • All ages               (including family, inter-generational)

We have found it hard to pin down in a coherent sentence what our vision is!  We can let that emerge over time.  For now it is enough to say that we want to grow a community with the above values being part of how we relate to ‘each other’, to ‘Caldecote’ and to ‘the world’.

A format ie what are we actually going to do?!
It was much easier to agree what we might do in a very practical way.  We intend to gather once a month, on the second Sunday, from 4.30-6/6.30pm.  The plan is to include 3 things in each gathering:

1. A range of activities to choose from, to involve any age, including outdoors and including some quiet space
2. A story from the Bible
3. A bring and share meal together

In between we will look for things to do to support the local community.  (Thank you to those who came bulb-planting on Saturday 17th.  We will hopefully see the fruits of our labours around the swings and in the Peace Garden area in the spring.)

A name
This was a challenge!  We had lots of ideas to look at, narrowed it down to a shortlist and agreed over our meal together to go for ‘Gateways’.  This has connotations of journeys, of discovering something new and of sanctuary; and it links to the fields and orchards on which Highfields Caldecote is built.

Next steps?
1. The formation of a prayer and planning team
2. ‘Launch’ of Gateways on the proposed date of 13 Dec. Look out for more details!

The new venture is supported by the Lordsbridge Team (including St Michael’s Caldecote) and by Hardwick Evangelical Church.