Dear Friends,
At the beginning of a new year, many of us make resolutions and set new goals for the year ahead. Maybe we plan to eat healthier; exercise more and get fit; take up a new hobby; and spend more time with our loved ones. All good goals! We may also take time to look ahead: what are our expectations as the new year begins? We all hope for a better year. 2022 has been tough. As 2023 approaches, take time to think: as well as goals for better health and self improvement, why not set some spiritual new year’s resolutions too?
Wishing you and your family a very happy, blessed and peaceful New Year.
God Bless,
Revd Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Dry Drayton, Hardwick and Caldecote with Childerly
Please note: I will be on annual leave from Monday 2 January to Saturday 7 January 2023. In an emergency, please contact either the Church Wardens or one of the Lordsbridge Team, details below.
Communion update: We re-introduced the common cup on Sunday 27 November. You are most welcome to take communion in both kinds if you would like to. If you would prefer to take only in one kind, that is, just the wafer, please be assured that this is a full communion, and is absolutely fine.
Sunday Services
Sunday January 1
No service.
Team services:
Comberton 9:30am said Holy Communion
Harlton 11am Holy Communion
Dry Drayton 5:30pm Evening Prayer
All welcome.
Sunday 8 January
9:30am Holy Communion. All welcome.
3pm Wild Church. An outdoor service for families.
Sunday 15 January
9:30am Holy Communion. All welcome.
Sunday 22 January
9:30am Morning Worship. All welcome.
Sunday 29 January
10:30am Fifth Sunday Team service, with Holy Communion, at St Mary’s Comberton. All welcome.
Zoom Services
Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am.
Weekday Services:
Wed 4 January
9 am Village Prayers in the Cabin followed by coffee
And 11 January on zoom
What’s on:
Thursday 5 January
10:30 – 12: Bumps and Babes with Ali in the Cabin. All welcome.
Tuesday January 10
Tuesday Toddlers 10-11:30am, in the Cabin. All Welcome.
12:15 Meditation in the Cabin with Howard Bigg .
Thursday 12 January
10:30 – 12: Bumps and Babes with Ali in the Cabin. All welcome.
Friday 6 and 13 January
7:30 Night Prayer on zoom
Useful contacts
Clare Bigg, LLM
Revd David Newton, Team Rector & Lead Minister for Comberton and Toft: 01223 665654; 07736 944396;
Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194;
Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden:; 01223 264974
Team Administrator: Becca Herrick;
Lordsbridge Team Instagram: @lordsbridge_team
Lordsbridge Team Facebook Page:
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