Dear Friends,
Christmas is fast approaching and there seems so much to do – we can all be very busy being busy. In a couple of weeks we will be gathering together to give thanks for the baby Jesus, and to celebrate his birth. We’ll sing our favourite carols and come to his crib in wonder and excitement. Advent is also a time of waiting and anticipation for Jesus’s return – because he will come again when we are not expecting it. In our busyness and bustle it’s important we don’t miss seeing Jesus! In preparing for Christmas, we will be putting our decorations up, sending cards, buying presents and preparing delicious food. But this Advent, why not spend time thinking about how we can prepare for when Jesus comes back. What will you do as you wait? How will you prepare?
God Bless,
Revd Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Dry Drayton, Hardwick and Caldecote with Childerly
Help needed!
Come and help, if you are able to, to move the large pile of wood chippings in the Cabin’s driveway on Saturday morning at 9am. Bring a wheelbarrow and a shovel!
Communion update: We re-introduced the common cup on Sunday 27 November. You are most welcome to take communion in both kinds if you would like to. If you would prefer to take only in one kind, that is, just the wafer, please be assured that this is a full communion, and is absolutely fine.
Sunday Services
Sunday 11 December
9:30 Morning Worship with Revd Clare
Advent 3: The Lord is my Shepherd
3-5pm Christmas Tree Festival and Carols around the Camp Fire, with the Eversden Brass Band
Sunday 18 December
No morning Service
7pm Carols and Lessons. All welcome to join us for our traditional, candlelit service of carols and lessons.
Zoom Services
Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am.
Christmas Services
Christingle Service, Thursday 22 December
4pm Christingle Service with Clare Bigg and Revd Clare Coates. A special event for families followed by teas in the Cabin. There will be a collection for The Children’s Society. All welcome.
Christmas Eve, December 24
Midnight Mass 11:30pm led by Revd Clare Coates There were shepherds watching over their flocks that night. All welcome.
Christmas Day, December 25
9:30am All age Communion with Clare and Howard Bigg. All welcome
Weekday Services:
Wed 14 December
9 am Village Prayers on zoom
What’s on:
Tuesday 13 December
Tuesday Toddlers 10-11:30am, in the Cabin
12:15 Meditation in the Cabin with Howard Bigg
Thursday 15 December
10:30 – 12: Bumps and Babes with Ali in the Cabin
Friday 16 December
7:30 Night Prayer on zoom