9.30am, Morning Worship at St Mary’s Hardwick, with Clare Bigg
9.30am, Holy Communion at Dry Drayton Church, with Revd Canons Alison Myers and Sue Wyatt (Alison’s last service at DD)
11am, Worship on Zoom led by Michaela McNeill (ALM) with reflections from Revd Chris Westgarth, curate for Comberton. Join any time from 10.50am. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82311473640.
3pm, Wild Church, with Revd Alison Myers, Clare Bigg and Team; at the Cabin at St Mary’s. Engaging spiritually and creatively with the natural world. For families with primary age children from local villages, book in with Clare cebigg53@gmail.com
6pm, Thirst area-wideyouth gathering, to 8.30pm hosted by WCCYM at Comberton Baptist Church, including a meal. Susie will be contacting parents and carers to ask them to update any dietary / medical info from last year, but if there are new young people (either who have started Yr 7, or new to WCCYM activities), please get in touch with Alison or with Susie susie@wccym.org so she can send you the relevant links and information. www.wccym.org
Worship at Home service sheet with reflection from Revd Chris Westgarth.
Pic n Mix family activities – in print. From Revd Priscilla Slusar.