This Sunday, 29th August, we have a joint team service of Holy Communion which will include a farewell to Alison as Team Rector and a celebration of her time as a key player in the team.  The service is at Harlton at 10:30 and will be followed by a picnic – bring your own food, drinks, chairs, anything else you need to make a picnic go with a swing! We hope to see you there – ask if you need a lift. If you are not able to come to Harlton in person, the zoom service and Worship at Home resources have much in common with the in-person service. For details see below

Worship at Home

Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am. The service will be led by Sue Nelms with a recorded sermon from Revd Canon Alison Myers. Meeting ID: 823 1147 3640

Bible readings & Reflections

Service sheet


About ‘Pic n Mix’: Picking up the theme for the day and created for families (and the young at heart) to do at home or during the week. PDF file usually attached to this email.