11am, Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service. With Sue Nelms (LLM) and Revd Alison Walker.
Join any time from 10.50am. Meeting ID: 89870702475 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89870702475.
From 9am, Worship at Home service. With Revd Paul Garnell and Canon Alison Myers
Go to www.lordsbridge.org for access or find it listed on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Amazon Music.
Worship at Home – In print
Using the same material as the audio service.
Bible Readings & Reflection
Pic n Mix family activities – In print
Picking up the theme for the day and created for families (and the young at heart) to do at home or during the week. From Revd Priscilla Slusar.
Sunday catch-up – Zoom
10.15am – 11am, on Zoom, informal chat with others from Hardwick and Dry Drayton hosted by Canon Alison. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87686836876 ; Do come and say ‘hello’.
The Church’s prayer for this Sunday and next week
Almighty God, give us reverence for all creation and respect for every person, that we may mirror your likeness in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.