A joint project from Hardwick Evangelical Church and St Mary’s.

There is less than a month to go until the start of Advent and we would love the whole community to connect together through our Hardwick Advent Windows project.
There are 4 ways for you to get involved!
1) For families with children aged 3-11 we have 50 FREE Hardwick Advent Windows resource boxes to give away. Boxes contain a calendar of activities to complete each day of Advent including QR code links to videos of the Christmas story, Christmas songs and instructions and resources to make your own craft to display in your window. There are also sweet treats to enjoy and a free gift for the family. To receive one of our resource boxes register here. bit.ly/hardwickadventwindows
2) For every household in the village we invite you to take part in the activities on our Hardwick Advent Windows calendar which will be coming through your doors at the end of November inside the Christmas card from the churches.
3) For all ages, you can enjoy viewing the Advent Windows when you are out walking in the village or on our Hardwick Advent Windows Facebook page.
4) For everyone young and old we would love you to create your own Advent Windows to help tell the Christmas story. Each Saturday during December we are asking people in the community to display an image in their windows relating to part of the Christmas story. These could be printed out, handmade or bought decorations. See photo for the suggested images for each week. If you are feeling really creative you may also like to create a whole window scene to tell part of the story. Send us a message on our Hardwick Advent Windows Facebook page for our list of suggested scenes for each week.