Today is Ascension Day. Most years this might pass you by, after all a weekday service is not always easy to fit in to the normal pattern of life. However, this year for many of us things are different, and perhaps you will have time today to read, reflect, listen and pray to the Worship at Home service we have created for Ascension Day.
You can download the service here. Alison has put the liturgy together and Canon Sue Wyatt has written the reflection. If you read it on a screen, you will be able to click on links to two hymns, posted on the Lordsbridge Online YouTube channel as well.
There are also some family activities from the website ‘Together at Home’. You don’t have to have children with you (or on video call) to enjoy the suggestions – you might fancy some cloud gazing, or appreciate the prompt to pray for other countries. In fact this week’s ‘thought for the week’ says something similar.
From today until Pentecost (31st) we are encouraged to follow the tradition of taking extra time to pray, urged also by our Archbishops. More specific ideas and support for doing this will follow in the next weekly notices mailing and in an issue of Lordsbridge Life.