2 April Holy Communion with Sunday Club
9.30 am Revd Alison Myers & Revd Howard Bigg
9 April All Age Worship for Palm Sunday
9.30 am Clare Bigg & Luke Bacon
13 April Simple Communion for Maundy Thursday
7.30 pm Revd Alison Myers and Luke Bacon
14 April Prayer Stations for Good Friday
10 am-1 pm Revd Beth Cope and Steve Gaze
16 April Easter Sunday Celebration
9.30 am for All Ages with Holy Communion Revd Beth Cope & Revd Alison Myers
23 April Holy communion with Sunday Club
9.30 am followed by APCM Revd Howard Bigg & Revd Beth Cope
30 April Team United Services
10.30 am at Comberton, All Age Worship Revd Corin Redsell & Clare Bigg
11 am at Caldecote, BCP Matins Revd Philip Jenson