This is for members of the Lordsbridge School of Theology preparing for the session on Sunday 17th June, at which the subject will be ‘Salvation: God’s rescue plan – What did the death of Jesus achieve?‘
In order to prepare for the session, it would be useful if you could download and read the two following extracts:
1. From Migliore’s Faith Seeking Understanding, pp 182-7. Migliore, Faith Seeking Understanding p182-7
2. From Stott’s The Cross of Christ, pp335-7. Stott, The Cross of Christ p335-7
It would be valuable, too, to read some Biblical material. I suggest that you read one or more of the passion narratives – Mark 14-15; Matthew 27; Luke 22-23; John 18-19 – and as many as possible from the following list – Mark 10:45; Romans 3 & 5; Galatians 3:13ff; Ephesians 2:13-17; Colossians 2:10-15; Hebrews 1:1-3, 2:14-18, 4:14-5:10, 7:26-30, 9:11-10:22; 1 Peter 2:20-25.
It might also be helpful to refresh your memory from your notes of the sessions on (a) Humanity, particularly ‘the image marred’, and (b) Jesus.