Details of the past 2022 Event are below, with useful references and links.

Saturday 17th September 2022, 10.30am – 4pm

Do you worry about the climate emergency and the impact of climate change?

Then come along to Hardwick Eco Event and learn about practical steps you can take in your daily life that will help reduce climate change!

The aim of the event is to highlight what can and must be done to help the environment and to show how each of us can do our bit to bring about meaningful reductions in carbon emissions through our own actions, locally, nationally and globally.

Thanks to everyone who attended the event. If you would like to look into the topics more, click on the links with each item on this page, and please take a look at our Resources page which contains links to, or provided by, some of the contributors to the 2022 (and 2021) events. It will be updated with more resources from the 2022 event as they become available. The programme of activities we had in 2021 can be seen here.

Where: The Cabin, St Mary’s Church, Hardwick, CB23 7QS

When: Saturday 17th September 2022, 10.30am – 4pm

Entrance free, donations towards the costs of the day welcome

Transport and parking:

Citi 4 bus from Cambridge and Cambourne; bikes can be chained under cover behind the Cabin; free car parking available at “Geo“, St. Mary’s Court, CB23 7QS (across the road from St Mary’s Church)

The day included:

Seminars (in the church building)

11:00am – 12:00pm – 15-minute talks:

  • Nicola Terry (Transition Cambridge): Ways of reducing domestic energy costs
  • Patrick Gordon: The Comberton Village College ground-source heat pump
  • Students from Comberton Village College: Fast fashion (Emily)
  • Eleanor Haines (South Cambridgeshire District Council, SCDC): Opportunities for reducing our carbon footprint

2:00 – 3:00pm – eco projects

  • Local people will be putting forward their proposals for projects to reduce our community’s carbon footprint or improve our environment. There will be short presentations and time for discussion. If you have an idea of something we could do together or something we need, please contact Chris Ford (cjbf (at) as soon as possible. Proposals include:
  • Mia Cassey: Community transport, and also eco plans for the new Community Centre
  • Shaun Hughes: Setting up a Solar panel and Battery purchasing group for Hardwick to negotiate discounts by bulk buying

Exhibitors / Stalls

A wide range of local businesses and organisations promoting environmentally conscious products, services and ideas. There will be many various stalls, including:

The car park:

The Cabin, main hall:

  • Hardwick Primary School

The Cabin, committee room:

  • Paintings of endangered species

Outside the Cabin:

Children’s activities: all day

Lots of hands-on activities introducing children to the idea of sustainability and reducing carbon footprint. Activities include making paper, portable bug hotels and scented candles (bring your own scent) and a Promise tree, and printing wrapping paper.


The Cabin, main hall – hatch from kitchen (available throughout the day):

  • Tea, coffee and cake
  • Vegan and vegetarian lunches

Near the camp fire (between 12 and 2pm):

  • Lunchtime BBQ with locally sourced products (vegan and vegetarian options available in the Cabin)

Entrance free, donations towards refreshments and the cost of the day are welcome.

The Eco Event is a joint project between Hardwick Climate Action Group, St Mary’s Church Hardwick, and Hardwick Evangelical Church.

We hope that our pledges and changes in behaviour will make a difference


Thanks to Postcode Places Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, for supporting this event.

Sunday, 18th September 2022, 10am

Outdoor Church Service with an Eco theme, organised jointly by the congregations of St Mary’s Church and Hardwick Evangelical Church – outside St Mary’s Cabin